Saturday, January 31, 2009

The test I used was a Forestry Management Test. It included a variety of questions and prompts...10 true/false, 11 multiple choice and 3 separate categories of 23 questions for matching. I would have had less matching question and added a map for labeling the different types of forests in the U.S. From class discussions and drawings on the board, I think the class would have enjoyed (and been quite successful) describing or drawing the different types and parts of trees discussed. The test was efficient; each section was titled and explicit directions were written. True/False, Multiple Choice and Matching were typed in bold to separate one section from the other. When I looked at the test I did not "view" the test as 44 questions, two pages, front and back, instead I saw each separate section of 10 or so questions. This made it less intimidating and more manageable. There were no confusing negatives and the prompts were clear. The test covered all of the material presented in chapter 10 so this test was a thorough assessment of the material, however, short answer/essay would have made it a better test. The students had the entire period to complete it, but as far as putting some fun into the questions, NO!! Student names or cultures were non-existent. I don't think this teacher would be interested or concerned with incorporating names/culture into a test! (not a negative aimed at the teacher, it is just would not be his style to do that!!) 3.5

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